Objective: Increase and Maintain Membership of the District at 2000 members with 45 Clubs  
Utilizing these Strategies:
1)            Implement an effective Mentor Program: Active coaching for new members learning principles of Rotary.    
2)            Improve engagement of existing members who wants to serve as mentors- Ambassadors of Rotary.
3)            Open up service projects to the public and advertise them.
4)            Utilize social media campaigns to target younger members.         
5)            Explore the role of satellite clubs and encourage their development when appropriate.  
6)            Achieve a critical mass for younger members-encourage 3-4 to join together and create peer groups.
7)            Identify opportunities for development of new clubs, particularly in under-served areas of the district.
8)            Reach out to past Rotarians to see if they are interested in returning to Rotary.                    
9)            Identify and connect with alumni of Rotary programs to ask them to join Rotary.
Objective:  Identify and develop strong District and Club leaders (period at end?)
Utilizing these Strategies for the Clubs:
1)            Provide District-initiated training and job descriptions for club officers including the President, Secretary, Treasurer and Foundation Chair.
2)            Adopt strengths-based leadership assessment to better match strengths to needed positions.
3)            Create a Leadership Academy or utilize Rotary Leadership Institute to identify and mentor new leaders.
4)            Provide online classes via a Rotary classroom that explains “how to” on a variety of topics.
5)            Provide District mentor for club leadership track.
Utilizing these Strategies for the District:
1)            Implement a five year plan for mentoring potential district leaders.
2)            Develop an online handbook for all District committees with job descriptions for all chairs readily available.
3)            Create and administer a District-wide leadership questionnaire to create a pool of interested candidates.
4)          Consider and explore options for creating a District board of directors or advisory board. 
Objective:  Create and Implement a Public Image and Awareness Plan, which improves visibility and recognition by the general public, to make clubs well known for the good work they do. 
Utilizing these Strategies:
1)            Provide PR templates and articles for clubs to access and use which better tell what Rotary is.
2)            The District will pick a theme or cause each year that clubs within the District can choose to participate in if they would like the opportunity to collaborate with other clubs. The District will provide PR support and templates for the theme so that multiple clubs can unite and create a regional presence for our local community service efforts.
3)            Act as a social media engine utilizing multiple channels and advertising the Rotary story.
4)            Develop a PR handbook.
5)            Create a strategic plan for marketing, updated yearly and including RI’s new branding tools. 
Objective:  Promote inter-club collaboration and act as a clearing house of ideas and best practices for clubs.  Identify, nurture and share collective expertise and talent for the good of the organization and the people we serve. The District will support and encourage Inter Club Collaboration so clubs can work together on similar projects and fundraisers, for networking and social events.
Utilizing these Strategies:
1)            Initiate a Passport Program- win by visiting other clubs or attending their activities
               during the course of the year.
2)            Create an online database for all events district wide with proven fundraising ideas and tips.
3)            Coordinate regional social activities.
4)            Implement a plan as needed for club chairs to work with a corresponding District chair. 
Objective:  Share expertise to help clubs engage in long range strategic planning and leadership development.  The District and Clubs utilize a 3-5 year planning process to set and achieve long term goals.
Utilizing these Strategies:
1)            Create a District Strategic Planning Committee as a new standing committee of the District.
2)            Formulate a District Strategic Plan that includes S.M.A.R.T. goals and is shared with all Rotarians.
3)            Identify leaders for key areas to implement the plan.
4)            Support an active and strong District Vision and Planning Committee to help clubs with visioning and strategic planning at the club level, which supports the goals and objectives of the District. 
Objective: Become a District that better utilizes technology to help achieve the goals we set.  
Utilizing these Strategies:
1)            Create a District technology team
2)            Survey to determine best practices used by other Rotary districts, and offer them to DG Team and potential users.
3)            Develop technologies to address needs identified in the District Strategic Plan.
4)            Develop technologies to address needs identified by other groups in the District.