District Governor’s Message
By: DG Marion Cheney, Dover RC
March is Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Month
Clean water, sanitation, and good hygiene are human rights. When people, especially children, have access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene, they lead healthier, more successful lives.
We don’t just build wells and walk away. Rotarians integrate water, sanitation, and hygiene into educational projects. When children learn about disease transmission and practice good hygiene, they miss less school. And they can take the lessons home to their families, expanding our impact.
Clean water is a basic human right that many are often denied. There are 2.5 million people in the world that lack access to improved sanitation and 748 million people that don’t have access to clean drinking water. Because of Rotary’s focus on clean water, 23 million more people now have clean water.
In 2015 the UN introduced their new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) to end poverty while protecting the environment and addressing climate change.
I encourage you to check out the WASH Rotary Action Group that was formed in 2007 by a group of Rotarians from around the world. WASH RAG supports and ensures sustainable long-lasting safe water, sanitation, and hygiene programs to communities in need. Go to to learn more about the May 24th World Water Summit 16 on zoom or in person at the Rotary International Convention in Singapore.
Our Rotary Team Needs You
Have you ever thought about what happens in Rotary beyond your club?
Do you want to expand your knowledge about Rotary?
Did you know that there are Rotary Opportunities available on the “District Level”—right now?
Are you interested in learning more about the various roles in our District – including the one that may be right for you?
Do you have a specific passion in Rotary?
We all know that this is a volunteer organization – and by now you know Rotary is an AMAZING organization – improving the lives of millions of people – in your community and around the world – and you want to do more!
We would LOVE to talk to you about becoming more involved. Rotary District 7780 is a confederation of 39 great New Hampshire and Maine Rotary Clubs, including yours. We have the joy of working together, building services and friendships greater than any single Club. It’s the Magic of Rotary.
Please reach out to have a conversation with one or all of us! There is NO OBLIGATION.
RYLA 2024 – A Unique Growth Opportunity
By:  Emily Rumble & Sam Klemarczyk, Co-Directors RYLA District 7780, Portland RC
Hello RYLA Coordinators, RYLA Enthusiasts, and RYLA Supporters,
Thank you to all who attended our RYLA Coordinator Summit this past fall.  It was a great success.  We were able to talk about all the cool things happening at RYLA this year, including honoring RYLA Coordinators who go above-and-beyond with a RYLA Coordinator Award. This year, we honored Kathi Perkins for all she does to support the RYLA program and the campers who attend. And a huge thank you to everyone who attended! 
Thank you, also, to those of you who joined us in February for our first RYLA Coordinator Check-In meeting. We were able to come together as a community to brainstorm and share strategies for recruiting campers. We currently don't have anyone registered...maybe there's some SWAG in someone's future for registering our first camper. 
March 2024 - Connecting the Dots
By:  Sarah MacGillivray, Secretary, and Public Image Coordinator, District Foundation Committee, RC of Bath Sunrise
This month we have a lot of important information to share.  The full article will cover grant training which is required for clubs to complete (at least 2 club members) prior to submitting their MOU before this year’s new deadline date of April 30.  We also have exciting news and updates on our ShareForever Challenge.  Not to mention our monthly installment of Rotary Minutes that I hope have been answering some club members questions on all things that make up OUR Rotary Foundation.  We have heard that there are still a lot of people out there with questions about just what OUR Foundation does, and if it really makes a difference if we make donations to it.  We hope that the information we share in this article helps to “connect the dots” and answer even the most basic of questions to help everyone understand how much good is done in the world because of OUR donations to OUR Rotary Foundation.
Malaria Kills Nearly 500,000 Children Annually
By: PDG Claudia Frost, Member Wash RAG, Brunswick RC
Traveling as a Rotarian is exciting and gratifying. I have just returned from a two-week trip to Kenya where I worked with Rotarians Against Malaria, a global Rotary Action Group. Eighteen Rotarians from all over the US traveled by plane, bus and jeeps, in Northwest Kenya. The mission was to meet with other Rotarians, medical personnel, and community health workers, to better understand and work to overcome the spread of Malaria.
March 2024
Club News
Click HERE for news about projects and fundraisers from around our district.
Bridgton - Lake Region
Biddeford - Saco
Oxford Hills
Saco Bay Sunset
Sanford - Springvale
Sebago Lake - Windham Area
South Portland Cape Elizabeth
If we missed your club, 
please know that your work is appreciated. Please send your stories next month to:
District 7780 Recovery Initiative Conference Planning
Thank you to all 7780 Rotarians who responded to our survey.
Responses will help us plan next Fall’s Recovery Conference. We had responses from over 23 clubs and your feedback will help us make decisions regarding content, format, and logistics. Rotarians are all about strengthening communities and making an impact. Designing a conference that meets your needs and will support your efforts to reduce stigma and promote mental health friendly spaces is our goal.
Peace Corps’ Virtual Service Pilot
An Opportunity for Rotarians

PDG John LoBosco, SPCE RC, forwarded an interesting opportunity which might appeal to some Rotarians in District 7780. Peace Corp has created a whole new way to serve.  Called The Virtual Service Pilot, it is an opportunity for qualified U.S. citizens to participate in the Peace Corps mission by supporting Host Country Partners abroad virtually through short-term, part-time engagements. All engagements are 3-6 months and Virtual Service Pilot Participants engage with partners for 5-15 hours per week on specific projects. For more about the program, go to This Link 
Indigenous Partnership Committee Update
By:  Megan Keil, Member IPC, Dover RC
The District 7780 Indigenous Partnership Committee, in conjunction with the Upstander Project and the "Well-Wishers" Rotary Action Group for Mental Health, invite you to a virtual film screening of Bounty and a discussion around Recognizing Indigenous Resilience. The film Bounty is part of The Upstander Project’s Dawnland film series.  It reveals the hidden story of the Phips Proclamation, one of many scalp-bounty proclamations used to exterminate Native people in order to take their land in what is now New England. In the film, Penobscot parents and children resist erasure and commemorate survival by reading and reacting to the government-issued Phips Proclamation’s call for colonial settlers to hunt, scalp, and murder Penobscot people.  In the discussion portion, we will be joined by Maulian Bryant, Co-Director of and participant in the film and Penobscot Nation tribal ambassador, and Rotarian Kiley Wilkens-O'Brien, founder of "Well-Wishers" Rotary Action Group for Mental Health. This virtual session will be held on Saturday, March 23rd at 9:30am ET. Register for the event by visiting This Link .
DISC Update - International Cafes and More
BY:  William Dunn, DISC Secretary, Yarmouth RC
Over 40 District Rotarians and others attended the 20th DISC International Café on February 24, 2024, hearing about work the district is doing in the Dominican Republic, from a Peace Fellow from Ethiopia recommended by our district, and the result of the District’s Peace Concert last month.
They first heard from Dr. Roger Fagan of the Portland Club about his 20+ years of work in the Dominican Republic (DR) providing free hearing aids.  He and his team work out of the Good Samaritan hospital in La Romana and he showed how it has evolved over the years into a clean, modern hospital.  He described how he runs the clinics with the help of District and local Rotarians when he travels to the DR. The best part, he felt, is the expressions on the faces of children when they hear their parents voices for the first time, and he showed several examples.
Rotary 7780 DEI Update February 2024
Your Words Matter as well as your voice!
An invitation to a DEI Train the Trainer Session
The District 7780 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion invites you to a DEI Train the Trainer hosted by Zone 28/32 DEI Committee!
Session Date: Saturday April 6th, 2024 Time: 10:00 AM - 12 Noon (Eastern Time)
Can’t attend but have a great DEI story or idea-contact us please!
Carol Marcotte ( or Jim Munro
DEI Co Chairs
Yours in Rotary Service,
Rotary 7780 Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee
District Calendar
NEPETS - President Elect Training Seminar
Boston Marriott Newton
Mar. 07, 2024
12:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
NEPETS - President Elect Training Seminar
Boston Marriott Newton
Mar. 08, 2024
7:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Boston Marriott Newton
Mar. 09, 2024
7:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Mar. 11, 2024
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Foundation Committee
Mar. 12, 2024
5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Mar. 13, 2024
7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Grants Training Workshop LIVE IN PERSON
South Portland Housing Authority
Mar. 16, 2024
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Finance Committee Meeting
Mar. 19, 2024
6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Recognizing Indigenous Resilience
Mar. 23, 2024
9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. UTC-04:00
Mar. 25, 2024
6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Mar. 28, 2024 5:00 p.m.
Rotary Opportunity Virtual Fair
Mar. 28, 2024
6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
View entire list
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