April is Maternal and Child Health Month
By: DG Marion Cheney, Dover RC
In the mountains of Poland, 26 children traumatized by violence get a chance to be kids again at Rotary Camp.
Beneath the emotional scars of living in a Ukrainian war zone, Mykyta flashed the same mischievousness of any other 12-year-old boy headed to camp.
Mykyta and 25 other Ukrainian children headed to Zakopane, Poland for two weeks.
To experience being a child outside of a war zone.  Their two week respite, organized by Rotary members, has a higher purpose: To help the children heal and cope with the trauma they may encounter when they return home.
Each camper has a parent or sibling killed or injured in the fighting in Ukraine. Psychologists at camp will guide them along the way during an itinerary that mixes escape and therapy.
The Rotary Club of Kharkiv Multinational in Ukraine has brought children to the camp for three years and has witnessed the impact.
The program, called vacation 2017 Zakopane: Well-Being for Ukrainian Kids, includes traditional camp activities and field trips along with support from mental health professionals.
An out-reach group of 7 Rotarians from across our District 7780 will be leaving for Poland on April 19th.  Our Rotarians will have the opportunity to meet Rotarians and children at the camp in Zakopane, Poland. In addition, they will tour other camps and programs throughout the region.
The focus of this Out-Reach Trip is to learn more about the programs and needs of the refugee children who have escaped the horrors of war and the needs of Rotary Clubs across Poland who are helping to create hope for the young Mykytas … the future of Ukraine.
Later, a self-funded trip will take volunteers back to Poland to work on projects with Rotary Clubs.
Once again, the Magic of Rotary continues to Create Hope in the World.
Connecting the Dots
By:  Sarah MacGillivray, Secretary, and Public Image Coordinator, District Foundation Committee, RC of Bath Sunrise
This month I wanted to start by congratulating the five clubs in our district which are already qualified to submit their district grants:  Brunswick Coastal, Fryeburg, Portsmouth, Saco Bay-Sunset and Westbrook-Gorham.  We also have 22 clubs who have checked off the important step of having two club members trained. Great work to all!  There is one more chance to attend live grants training this month.  We will have a session at the District Training Assembly on April 20. You can also complete the training on our website.
There is a great idea that came from Marianne Pinkham, of the Damariscotta-Newcastle Club, and District Foundation Committee’s Paul Harris Society coordinator.  Her club is very active with OUR Rotary Foundation, and they have what they call, WRITE A CHECK DAY!  Read excerpts from the note she sent to her club earlier this year in the full story.
Applications for the 2025 Rotary Peace Fellowships are open until 15 May
By:  Bob Gravino, District 7780 Rotary Peace Centers Subcommittee Chair, Bath Sunrise RC
Applications for the 2025 Rotary Peace Fellowships (  are open until 15 May.
You can help promote peace in the world by encouraging peace and development leaders in your community to apply for the Rotary Peace Fellowship.
Each year, Rotary awards up to 130 fully funded fellowships for peacebuilders from diverse backgrounds to study at one of our peace centers located at leading universities around the world. This year, we’ll select 50 peace fellows to study in our master’s degree programs ( at six partner universities in Asia, Australia, Europe, and the United States and 80 fellows to earn postgraduate diplomas through our professional development certificate programs ( at Makerere University in Uganda and Bahçeşehir University in Turkey.
Rotary Peace Fellows use their training to amplify their work at the local, regional, or global level. Together, we can advance peace by encouraging our local peace builders to learn about Rotary and apply for this unique fellowship.
But we need your help finding candidates. Rotary and Rotaract members can get involved by:
Candidates have until 15 May to submit applications ( to The Rotary Foundation.
Thanks to generous support from donors and the dedicated participation of Rotary members, the peace fellowship program has more than 1,700 alumni working to make positive change in more than 140 countries. Many program alumni have founded their own organizations to address critical issues or serve as leaders in governments, nongovernmental organizations, educational and research institutions, media and the arts, and international organizations like the United Nations and the World Bank.
To learn more about how you can recruit the next generation of peace fellows, contact your district Rotary Peace Fellowship subcommittee chair or write to Bob Gravino at or to
Dr. Susan Black Champion of Service Award
By:  Carolyn Johnson, Champion of Service, Committee Chair, Yarmouth RC
Awarded to a D7780 Rotarian who demonstrates a continued commitment to service in their own community or in communities around the world. 
The recipient must be a member of a Rotary Club in D7780.   Through ongoing active engagement through Rotary connected projects, this individual serves as a leader and a model for others in making a positive difference through Rotary service.  As a “Champion of Service” the recipient should also inspire and encourage others to get involved.  Nominations will be considered based on the Rotarian’s
  • demonstration of leadership in implementing service projects
  • engaging others in service
  • development of projects that have positive, long-lasting impact
  • commitment to Service Above Self
  • illustrating what it is to be a “Champion of Service”
D7780 Rotarians are invited to nominate a deserving Rotarian for this award.   The nomination should include a short description (500-750 words) explaining why this individual is deserving of recognition as a Champion of Service.  
Include your contact information (name, club, email and phone) as well as contact information for your nominee.  (name, club, email and phone)
Send nomination to:
April 2024
Club News
Click HERE for news about projects and fundraisers from around our district.
Bridgton - Lake Region
Oxford Hills
River Valley
South Berwick-Eliot
If we missed your club, 
please know that your work is appreciated. Please send your stories next month to:
Announcing a New Partnership
By:  DGE Bob MacKenzie, Kennebunk RC
We are excited to announce a mutually beneficial partnership and collaboration with Journey Magazine with the shared goal of enhancing community engagement and increasing awareness around substance use disorder and recovery. This partnership leverages the strengths of both organizations to extend the magazine's reach, impact, and support for individuals and communities navigating the challenges of recovery. Journey, in turn, will amplify and educate about Rotary, sharing our advertising in their magazine as well as inviting Rotary Members to participate in our community pop up resource events.  The publication also will provide training on substance use disorder and recovery, Narcan use, and anti-stigma messaging. More information about the magazine is at
If you are interested in becoming involved, please reach out to Niki Curtis, the Community Engagement Director.  She’ll provide more information on how your club can help to invest in this important message of amplifying hope and resources to your communities.  Her email is
Exeter RC Stuff the Bus Food Drive Event
District Calendar
Apr. 04, 2024
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Apr. 04, 2024
2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
International Cafe
Apr. 06, 2024
9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Apr. 08, 2024
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
AG Meeting
Apr. 15, 2024 6:30 p.m.
District Training Assembly
Westbrook High School
Apr. 20, 2024
8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Apr. 22, 2024
5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Apr. 25, 2024 5:00 p.m.
View entire list
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