District Governor's Message
By:  DG Bob MacKenzie, Kennebunk RC
We’ve made it through the holidays and in a blink of an eye our Rotary year is ½ over.  As we enter a new calendar year we have much to look forward to.  Some important dates are the Mid-Year Brunch on January 19th, Northeast President Elect Learning Seminar March 6th-8th, District Learning Assembly on April 5th, District Conference/Celebration May 30th-31st and our District Installation/Changeover on June 18th.   As you see there is much going on and great times are ahead! I am hoping you will be able to make our events. 
January is Vocational Service Month. We bring much value to our clubs and community through our vocations. It’s important that we use our vocational skills to serve our communities, practicing our professions with integrity, and inspiring others to behave ethically through our words and actions. 
 I want to share an article written by Past Chair of the District Vocational Service Committee Ian Lancaster of the Rotary Club of Toronto Sunrise:
Youth In Our District
District Mid-Year Brunch
By:  Emma Bodwell, DGE 2025-2026, Bridgton-Lake Region RC
This is a magical time of year for our young friends but it’s special for all ages.
YOUTH IN OUR DISTRICT is an enormously important topic, and we are excited to share all things YOUTH at our upcoming MID-YEAR BRUNCH on Sunday, January 19, 2025.
Please mark your calendars and register today for this engaging program!
Please use this link:
Sharing Our Foundation Good News
By:  Nancy Hawes, District Foundation Treasurer/Secretary, South Portland/Cape Elizabeth RC
Happy New Year! Calendar, that is – in the Rotary World we’re halfway through the year. So that seems like a good time to take stock of where your club is so far this year. And since I can’t live without checklists, here’s a suggested checklist for your club:
Peace Shelter Receives Award
By: Carol Marcotte, PhD, Co-Chair, District 7780 Rotaract Clubs, Saco Bay Sunset RC
With great pleasure, I’m sharing a message I received recently from Mateo Karczmarczuk, Lublin Centrum RC, Poland. It has been an honor to work with Mateo from the early days of this Disaster Relief Grant, throughout the work at the Shelter and during the Outreach trip to Poland in 2024.
RYLA Update
Tim Moyer and Jacey Chavez, Portland RC, RYLA Co-Camp Directors 2024-26
In December, the RYLA staff gathered for our annual Holiday Party in York, Maine. We had many milestones to celebrate, including new jobs, the completion of college applications, the first months of college, and other events among our staff. While still in the midst of camper application-season, January kickstarts staff-application season, when we consider candidates to join our staff for RYLA 2025. Almost our entire all-volunteer staff, from first-years all the way up to Directors, consists of former camp attendees, so this year we expect to bring on a talented group of young servant-leaders from last year’s camp.
January 2025
Club News
Click HERE for news about projects and fundraisers from around our district.
Bridgton - Lake Region
Damariscotta - Newcastle
Oxford Hills
Saco Bay Sunset
Sanford - Springvale
Sebago Lake
South Berwick - Eliot
If we missed your club, 
please know that your work is appreciated. Please send your stories next month to:
Have You Seen It?
Rotarians Roger and Elizabeth Fagan and their work are featured in Rotary Magazine, January issue, Page 11. Have you seen it?  Members of the Portland RC, the two are acknowledged, in particular, for their 20 plus years work in the Dominican Republic. A MUST READ!!!
Save the Date - Saturday, May 17, 2025
By: Peggy Belanger, Past District Governor (2020-2021), RI District 7780 Rotaract Co-Chair, RC of Kennebunkport
An EPIC Day of Service 
for our Communities, organized by Rotary Clubs in D7780.
We will join clubs from NH, VT, MA, RI, CT, NJ, MI, and CO, which have participated for the past 3 years.
FMI: Peggy Belanger, PDG, KennebunkPort RC,
Help Wanted - Newsletter Publisher
Publisher / Technical Support Sought for District Newsletter
Looking for a new role in the New Year?  Love technical challenges? Want to help out more at the District Level?
District Calendar
7780 Chairs Meeting with DG
Jan. 07, 2025
5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
DG Track Meetings 24/25
Jan. 13, 2025
7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.
Bath RC
Jan. 14, 2025
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Foundation Committee
Jan. 14, 2025
5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Mid-Year Brunch
Jan. 19, 2025
11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
View entire list
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