Objective: Become a District that better utilizes technology to help achieve the goals we set.
Utilizing these Strategies:
1) Create a District technology team
2) Survey to determine best practices used by other Rotary districts, and offer them to DG Team and potential users.
3) Develop technologies to address needs identified in the District Strategic Plan.
4) Develop technologies to address needs identified by other groups in the District.
Better utilize technology to help achieve the goals set in the District Strategic Plan -
Create a District Technology Team:
- Assemble a team of Rotarians with strength in the area of technology.
- Survey other Rotary Districts to determine best practices.
- The Technology team will determine which topics lend themselves to online training then create, edit and upload materials, with the ultimate goal to build a library of online training materials.
- The District will leverage the skills of a Technology team to create and disseminate internet training videos through the Learning Management System, free to us through Rotary International, or a dedicated YouTube site for District 7780 training and education without the time and expense of in person meetings.
- The technology team could also keep a database of resources for club and volunteers willing to help clubs with their web sites or other public facing social media.
Develop additional technologies to address needs identified in the District Strategic Plan and needs identified by other groups within the District:
- The District will establish private Facebook user groups for all club Membership chairs, Foundation chairs, Public Relations chairs, and other relevant committee chairs to allow for and encourage open communication and idea exchange.
- Each club chair will have access to a district chair for ideas, support and training as needed.
- The District will create an online database with information shared by the clubs for all events district wide with proven fundraising ideas and tips.