Christmas in Lac Megantic
Posted by Scott Irving
on Oct 21, 2013
Last July, an unattended train carrying 72 tank cars careened out of control and into the center of town of Lac Megantic, Quebec, destroying a community and many of its citizens. District 7780 is embarking on a project to help.
We are proposing a three pronged project to help support the people in Lac Megantic.
- Donate $50 to help the local food pantry. Each donated dollar can purchase $12-$13 of food from the Provincial Food Bank. If each club donates $50, more than $24,000 of food can be provided.
- Create a community Christmas tree so that Pere Noel forgets no child in Lac Megantic, no matter the parents' financial situation following the disaster.
- Donate to a fund to purchase a teddy bear for every child in the Lac Megantic elementary school. There are 600 children (grades K-6).
For more detail please read the October 21 Newsletter and the attached information.
And remember: Our road trip to deliver the Christmas cheer will take place December 13-15. Rsvp to Paul Deschambault,, 207-281-4384
Checks: Make out to SPCE Rotary Charitable Fund and send to:
c/o John LoBosco, Assistant Governor
21 Fessenden Road
Cape Elizabeth, Maine 04107