Last July, an unattended train carrying 72 tank cars careened out of control and into the center of town of Lac Megantic, Quebec, destroying a community and many of its citizens. District 7780 is embarking on a project to help.


We are proposing a three pronged project to help support the people in Lac Megantic. 

  1. Donate $50 to help the local food pantry. Each donated dollar can purchase $12-$13 of food from the Provincial Food Bank. If each club donates $50, more than $24,000 of food can be provided.
  2. Create a community Christmas tree so that Pere Noel forgets no child in Lac Megantic, no matter the parents' financial situation following the disaster.
  3. Donate to a fund to purchase a teddy bear for every child in the Lac Megantic elementary school. There are 600 children (grades K-6).


For more detail please read the October 21 Newsletter and the attached information.

And remember:  Our road trip to deliver the Christmas cheer will take place December 13-15.  Rsvp to Paul Deschambault,, 207-281-4384

Checks:  Make out to SPCE Rotary Charitable Fund and send to:
c/o John LoBosco, Assistant Governor
21 Fessenden Road
Cape Elizabeth, Maine 04107