Our Nominating Committee has selected Dick Hall of the Rotary Club of Portland to lead District 7780 in 2021-22. Dick will work closely over the coming years with Governor John LoBosco and incoming governors Andy Glazier (2019-20) and Peggy Belanger (2020-21).
Dick has become very familiar with many of our clubs through our Visioning program. He has served as a Visioning facilitator since the inception of the program in 2010, including leading the committee. Dick advocated for our district to also develop a vision and helped draft the district's strategic plan. Dick has served as our district's webmaster and as an Assistant Governor. He currently chairs our Youth Exchange Committee, while also serving as his club's Foundation chair. Dick's involvement with Rotary began at a young age - his father is a past district governor in Massachusetts. Dick has been a Rotarian since 1984 and has also been a member of the Lewiston/Auburn club. He served as president of the Portland Rotary Club in 2006-2007. Dick has been named a Paul Harris fellow many times and he is a member of The Rotary Foundation's Bequest Society.
Dick holds an MBA from Boston University and a BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Maine. He has extensive experience as a project manager with SGC Engineering, where he focuses on alternative energy and power projects. In other areas of activity, Dick has served as Boy Scout Commissioner, coached Little League and girls' high school hockey, served on the environmental subcommittee of the Maine State Chamber, and been active with the Maine Outdoor Adventure Club and the Centerboard Yacht Club.
On behalf of the district, our governor wishes to thank the entire Nominating Committee for its service, including especially Carolyn Johnson, who chaired the committee. While we do not expect challenges to Dick's nomination, DG John has announced, in accordance with our bylaws, that any challenge must be filed with him on or before December 14. The challenge must be submitted by club resolution naming the challenging candidate.
Bob Smith to join Finance Committee in 2019-20
The Nominating Committee has selected Bob Smith of The Rotary Club of Portsmouth to join the Finance Committee for a three year term beginning July 1, 2019. Bob will serve as the representative from Division A (New Hampshire clubs). He will fill the seat currently occupied by Mike Asselin, whose term is expiring. Bob has worked in the financial services industry for the past 35 years, and is currently a financial advisor with Edward Jones. He holds a BS from the Whittemore School of Business and Economics at the University of New Hampshire. Bob assures us he "has an eye for detail" and is known for accuracy "to the penny." We look forward to having Bob join the committee in July, though we will truly miss Mike and thank him for his service.