By:  Emma Bodwell, DGN; Past Chair, DISC; RC of Bridgton-Lake Region
Our last International Cafe on June 17th was a success!  If you missed it - no problem - you can watch it here!!
 We featured the following presentations:
  1. Youth Exchange & Students in District 7780 with Kathi Perkins
  2. Basic Education & Literacy Global Grant in Uganda - Juliet Kyokunda (Contact me for the presentation.)
  3. Aquaponics for Youth & Leadership Global Grant in Colombia - Erika Aristi & Maria Luisa Aquilar (Contact me for the presentation.)
  4. Final Comments and Announcements!!! 
It was great to hear first hand the experiences of our Youth Exchange Students - and it is exciting to bring this to everyone's attention.  The opportunities for our youth both here in our district and around the globe are incredible and often life changing for them, and even the host families!  If you and/or your club would like more information on how to become involved - here are your resources:
Juliet Kyokunda spoke passionately about her Global Grant in Uganda.  This PowerPoint presentation is available.  Reach out to me for it and then contact Juliet.
Erika Aristi & Maria Luisa Aguilar from Medellin helped present the Aquaponics project currently in fundraising stage.  For more information feel free to reach out to me (Bridgton- Lake Region is the International sponsor for the Global Grant).  I can send you the PowerPoint presentation.
As we wrap up this Rotary year - I want to give a shout out to my wonderful DISC committee and thank them for everything they do!
Jeremy Gould, Bill Dunn, Carol Madsen, Steve Wight, Karen Arnold, Peter Johnson, Ron Smith, Bill Dibiasio, Peggy Belanger
I'm excited to pass the reigns over to Jeremy Gould who has accepted DG Marion Cheney's appointment to DISC Chair for the next 3 years.  Go Jerry!!
I also want to invite you to be a part of our committee!  We are looking to add a few more members to expand our reach, work on some exciting projects and continuing our goal of outreach around the world.  If you are passionate about the International side to Rotary then please call me or any one of us and let's have a discussion!!!
Finally - these cafes are fun!!  We receive lots of great comments around the district and beyond.  I don't know of any other District who does anything quite like this!  We plan to continue them indefinitely! 
With that said our 2023-2024 dates are set - all Saturdays 9:30AM - 11:00AM
September 16, 2023
October 28, 2023
December 9, 2023
January 20, 2024
February 24, 2024
April 6, 2024
May 11, 2024
June 22, 2024
We are starting to line up our presenters - each cafe can have 3 maybe 4 presenters - would you like to promote a project, or share a success story?  Please Please Please let us know so we can reserve a spot for you!!!
Thanks again for all your Rotary Service!!!
Yours in Rotary,
Emma Bodwell, DGND 2025-2026
Bridgton Lake Region Rotary Club
District 7780 International Service Committee Chair
Cell/WhatsApp:  207-595-1138