Do you have suggestions for changing the rules for Rotary?  Recommendations to change the frequency of meetings? Allowing snowbirds to join a club in both their summer and winter residences?  A new Avenue of Service?  You can shape how Rotary operates by proposing rules changes for the 2016 Council on Legislation.

Rotary International must receive proposed legislation, including confirmation of the district’s endorsement, by 31 December 2014. Note that this deadline is strictly enforced and proposed legislation received after the deadline will not be considered. Details can be found in How to Propose Legislation.  Proposed legislation should be submitted to Rotary through the online form here:

Clubs and districts must submit a separate form for each item of proposed legislation.  If a club or district is submitting a proposed resolution, they should use the resolution template and upload it to the online form.

Proposers must provide a statement of purpose and effect in the online form, 300 words or less, to be considered duly proposed.  This statement should identify the issue or problem that the proposed legislation seeks to address and explain how the proposal addresses or resolves the problem or issue.

Proposed legislation must be endorsed by the district at a district conference, district resolutions meeting, or through a ballot-by-mail. The district governor confirms the endorsement by either submitting the proposed legislation through the online form or, if legislation is submitted by someone other than the district governor, by emailing their confirmation to

More information on preparing and submitting proposed legislation can be found on the Rotary website at  

  · What’s New for the 2016 Council on Legislation

·  How to Propose Legislation

·  Drafting Legislation

If you have questions about legislation or other aspects of the Council, contact Peter Johnson, D7780 Council on Legislation Representative (2013)