2021 District Training Assembly - Virtual Program
Welcome to the 2021 District Training Assembly Information page for District 7780.  All sessions listed below are being conducted live via ZOOM. Recordings for each session will be posted here (to the left) along with any supporting material.
Wednesday April 21 5:30 Our Rotary Foundation - designed for newer Rotarians or anyone who would like to have a better basic knowledge of its history, importance, and components. It will cover how it came to be, how the money raised is spent, the structure of its different components, and the importance of supporting it.  Topics will include the Annual Fund, district and global grants, Polio Plus, the Peace Centers, and enough time for questions. (Dave/Lawrence)
Thursday April 29 5:30 Club Treasurers and Assistant Treasurers.  A review of best practices and pitfalls.  Club leadership should consider this compulsory for anyone new to the position this year, and a welcome refresher for established hands. (Nancy Hawes).
Thursday May 6 5:30 Rotary Foundation Goal Setting at the Club Level.  Designed particularly for Club Foundation Chairs and Club Presidents, this session will review how to build a rational and reasonable set of goals for your club, how to use the goal tracking tools within club Central and offer discussion on how to march toward those goals throughout the course of the year. (Dave Underhill & Lawrence Furbish)
Monday May 10, 7:00-8:00 Growing Membership.  A look at best practices for growing club membership. Discussion of the key elements of membership growth Attraction, Engagement, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (Andy Glazier and Lorraine Faherty)
Tuesday May 18  5:30 Opportunities for International Service.
Have you heard about the International Outreach program within our District?  Presentation on the recent International Outreach teams trips:  Goals of a trips, Learnings while in country, Follow-up with hosts, and Service projects or plans.  Quick view of Kenya, Romania, Colombia, and an update on the current focus on Indigenous people of N. America. (Emma Bodwell and District 7780 DISC (District International Service Committee)
Monday May 24 5:30Fundraising in the Current Environment.  Panel of clubs each giving  5 minute presentations:  successful fundraisers during Covid, transition Covid fundraiser back to in-person, back to past successful fundraiser, new ideas for new fundraisers, and on-line fundraising support.  (Panel to be announced, volunteers welcome.)
Tuesday June 1 5:30For Club Secretaries.  Seasoned club secretaries will review everything which needs to be done to end the current Rotary year and be ready for the upcoming year.  Topics will include follow-up on dues invoices, updating Club Roster in Clubrunner or directly to RI, Updating Club Officers on Clubrunner, info to treasurer for tax preparation, Member data updates on Clubrunner.
Hosts to be announced soon.
If you would like to attend one of the training sessions listed above, look for emails from the District through Club Runner or contact DGE Dick Hall dickhall7780@gmail.com