Rotary - The Opportunity to Serve and So Much More

The Opportunity to Serve
Rotarians provide service at both the community and international levels. Service programs address health-care needs, hunger and poverty, illiteracy, disaster relief, and environmental cleanups, to name a few. Members experience the fulfillment that comes from giving back to the community.
Professional Networking
A founding principle of Rotary was to provide a forum for professional and business leaders. Members are leaders in business, industry, the professions, the arts, government, sports, the military, and religion. They make decisions and influence policy. Rotary is the oldest, most prestigious service-club organization in the world.
Personal Growth and Development
Membership in Rotary ensures continuing personal and professional development. Leadership, public speaking and communication, organization and planning, team-building, fundraising, and teaching are just a sampling of the skills that can be exercised and enhanced through Rotary.
Fellowship was a primary reason Rotary was started in 1905, and it remains a major attraction. Today, with more than 34,000 Rotary clubs in over 200 countries and principalities, Rotarians have friends wherever they go. Rotary helps to build community as well as enduring friendships.
Cultural Diversity
Rotary International is an association of local clubs in many countries. Clubs are open to members of every ethnic group, political persuasion, language, and religious belief. Rotary clubs contain a cross-section of the world's leaders. They practice and promote tolerance.
Good Citizenship
Membership in Rotary makes one a better citizen. Weekly Rotary club programs keep members informed about what is taking place in the community, nation and world. Rotary's expansive network of clubs and programs provides extensive opportunities for service and interchange.
World Understanding
Rotary members gain an understanding of humanitarian issues and have a significant impact on them through international service projects and exchange programs of Rotary International and its charitable arm, the Rotary Foundation. The promotion of peace is one of Rotary's highest objectives.
Every Rotary club and district hosts parties and activities that offer diversion from one's personal and business life. Conferences, conventions, assemblies, and social events provide entertainment as well as Rotary information, education, and service.
Family Opportunities
Rotary sponsors some of the world's largest youth exchange and educational exchange and scholarship programs. Rotary clubs provide innovative training opportunities and mentoring for future leaders. They involve family members in a wide range of social and service activities.
Ethical Environment
Rotarians practice a 4-Way Test that measures words and actions by their truthfulness fairness, goodwill, and benefit to all. Encouraging high ethical standards in one's profession and respect for all worthy vocations has been a hallmark of Rotary from its earliest days.
Watch the video to see what Rotarians have to say about their membership.