District Team Provides Surgeries in West Africa
Posted by Martha Helman
on Dec 19, 2011
Seven Rotarians from our District were members of a Rotaplast humanitarian mission to Togo -- and the first Rotaplast mission to take place in West Africa. They provided reconstructive surgery for cleft lip/cleft palate patients in the West African nation. The District Rotaplast committee under the leadership of Bill Dunn worked tirelessly to raise the money ($50,000) to pay for the surgeries; the 7780 team paid their own expenses. Check out their blog for more about this life-changing trip:
District 7780 Rotarians on the trip were Ellie Andrews (Bethel), Joan Correll (Hampton), Ann and Steve Demeranville (Boothbay Harbor), Joan Nickell (Seacoast Portsmouth), Jim Price (Breakwater Daybreak) and Leonard Seagren (Portsmouth).