On Saturday, September 16, DISC hosted another amazing International Cafe! Although Hurricane Lee was circling around us, we had a great turnout of 38 people, Rotarians from the District and elsewhere, and some really awesome presentations!
Please take the time to listen and watch! Here is the link: https://vimeo.com/user130320555
Nate Nickerson provided a presentation on Konbit Sante’s project in Northern Haiti to strengthen health systems’ infrastructure by installing a solar project. The project, at Justinian Hospital, will provide an alternative source of power to compensate for the very unreliable electricity situation in Haiti. Nate’s PowerPoint is available by reaching out to ebodwell@icloud.com. His contact Info: Nate Nickerson, 207-939-5483, natenickerson56@gmail.com or nnickerson@korbitsante.org .
Mike DeLuca introduced the Global Travelers E-Club, a virtual Club established in Minnesota but with members from around the world. The approximately 100 members meet on-line, but travel in groups internationally to provide service. They have done large projects in Kenya, Colombia, Egypt and Turkey and smaller projects in several other countries. More info is available at rotaryglobaltravelers.com. Mike’s PowerPoint is available at ebodwell@icloud.com. Contact Info: Mike DeLuca, Past Club President, AG-District 5950, mikedeluca@hotmail.com, cell and text: 612-801-5533.
Vitaliy Bezrodnov provided a very lively presentation on the Reunite Cultures Fund, formerly known as the Rotary Children’s Fund. This project organizes groups of Rotarians to travel to other countries and learn about their cultures and then bring children from those countries back to the US to learn about our culture. With this experience these young people then become cultural ambassadors for the US. You need to watch the vimeo of the Cafe to see his presentation. Contact Info:
Vitaliy V. Bezrodnov, Founder/Coordinator, Past President of Downtown Fuquay-Varina Rotary Club, RCF 501c3, International Cultural Exchange, Inspired, Funded and Run by Rotarians. RCFGoldenGates@gmail.com, 216.214.0828, Raleigh, NC, USA, https://reuniteculturesfund.org/.
Emma Bodwell updated the attendees on past International Outreaches and on plans for the next International Outreach, which will be in Spring 2024 to Poland. Application information has been sent to all District Rotarians and Applications are due by October 9, 2023. Application available at ebodwell@icloud.com. This will need to be printed, completed and returned at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Emma at ebodwell@icloud.com.
Carolyn Johnson updated the attendees on Foundation Grants, noting that less than $350,000 in District Grants and Club funds has led to the District being involved in approximately $4.5 million in RI Global Grants.
The next International Café will be on Saturday, October 28, 2023 at 9:30 am. Put it on your calendar!
Do you have an international project to highlight, either in the works or completed, that you would like to share with the District? Please reach out to us to get it on our calendar agenda at ebodwell@icloud.com.
Feel free to contact Emma with any questions: Emma Bodwell, DGN 2025-2026, Cell/WhatsApp: 207-595-1138, ebodwell@icloud.com.