Peter Johnson the District 7780 Foundation Committee Chair presents a history of the Paul Harris Fellowship
Posted by Juliana L'Heureux
on Oct 03, 2014
Peter Johnson is bringing the good news about the Rotary Foundation's history and charitable projects to all clubs on his tour of District 7780.
The Rotary Foundation was established in 1917, but the endowment began to grow after the 1947 death of Rotary Founder Paul Harris, when a large number of contributions were received as memorial gifts. In 1957, Rotary International established the Paul Harris Fellow recognition award for all Rotarians who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to the Rotary Foundation.
PDG Peter Johnson (left) with Rotary Club of Portland Foundation Chair Amy Chipman who presented the Paul Harris Fellow recognition to Robert Clark (center), his first award. Joining the photograph is newly installed Portland Rotarian Karen Dempsey Carney with President Kris Rosado, on October 3, 2014 in Portland.
Past District Governor Peter Johnson is 2014-15 District 7780 Foundation Committee Chair. His report to the District Clubs includes an overview about the history of the Paul Harris Fellow recognition and the Rotary Foundation.
During Peter's presentation to the Rotary Club of Portland on Friday October 3rd, he thanked all Rotarians for supporting the Rotary Foundation by becoming sustaining members, Paul Harris Fellows and Society members. Portland Rotary's Foundation Chair Amy Chipman and Peter presented Portland Rotarian Robert Clark with his first Paul Harris Fellow. "Bob" Clark is the Chief Professional Officer of Big Brothers/Big Sisters or Portland.He became a Rotarian in 1990.
Peter described the moment he recalls feeling the most proud of his support for the Rotary Foundation. He was the District 7780 District Governor at the time of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the New York City World Trade Center, the crash of United Airline Flight 93, in Pennsylvania and the destruction of the Pentagon building in Washington DC. He shared how his sadness about those terrible events also reminded him about how important it was for Rotary International to be supporting the World Peace and Fellowship Program, funded entirely by the Rotary Foundation. Grants from the Rotary Foundation today help international and local service projects around the world. In fact, the Sanford-Springvale Rotary, home club of District Governor Lawrence Furbish, has helped fund the building of water dams in India. Portland Rotarians who work with Dr.Roger Fagan and his wife Elizabeth Fagan receive support from the Foundaton for the Hearing, Hands and H2O projects in the Dominican Republic.
Charity Navigator gives Rotary Foundation a top 5 star rating and a score of 97 out of 100 for accountability and transparency. Check this website for more information.
Thanks to Peter for his interesting informative and motivational presentation!