Pihcintu Chorus Raising Funds for School in South Sudan
Pihcintu Multicultural Chorus, the youth group that performed so movingly at the District Conference, has several members whose families are refugees from the horrors of war in Sudan. They know first-hand what it is like to spend all of one’s waking hours simply trying to survive, with little thought to the luxury of school. And so the chorus has decided to raise money to build a school in South Sudan in honor of Malala Yousafzai — the Pakistani girl who the Taliban attempted to assassinate because of her desire to get an education. Already, the governor of a territory in South Sudan has donated the land upon which to build this school.
It will cost approximately $27,000 to build a school to accommodate 250 students. The Chorus has raised over $5,000 in just three months. Their Director writes: “I know that Rotarians have a long and storied history of providing international aid around the world and so I am hoping that this project will spark an interest in some of the New England clubs. The successful completion of this school will not only provide tools for the future for many Sudanese children but it will also inspire each of the Pihcintu chorus members to live a life of outreach and community service as they will witness first-hand what small groups of dedicated people can accomplish. “ FMI: www.pihcintu.org. Con Fullam, the choral director, would be happy to speak to any club that might want to get involved.